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Invest in Yourself for 2024

Investing in your long-term success goes beyond one-and-done actions like joining a gym or implementing Salesforce. Much like you build investments into your financial budget, Attention Investment is key to a holistic Attention Budget.

Our most important goals in life are long-term. Things like retiring in the Bahamas or taking your company public don’t happen overnight. We need to give them our attention from day to day, month to month, and year to year.


Think of it as saving for retirement. Unless you’re fabulously wealthy, you won’t be able to do it all at once. But by making small investments on a weekly basis, you’ll eventually achieve your Life Priorities.



  • Achieving long-term goals requires constant small weekly steps.

  • Our attention is finite, but we can budget it.

  • By including Attention Investment in our Attention Budget, we can “pay” for our long-term goals in regular installments.

The Sherpa System can help you plan and execute your long-term goals. It provides accountability, and a clear series of stepping stones along the way. With each step, you have an opportunity to evaluate how your investment is performing via weekly metrics.


For example, I worked with a busy advertising executive who had a life priority to forge a deeper relationship with his son. I asked him what’s important to his son, and he said baseball. I held him to the project of attending 90% of his son’s baseball games for the year. It was a success.

Unlike skills that can be perfected through repetition, life doesn’t allow for many do-overs, so you can’t get better by practicing. A Sherpa has guided many people, witnessed the results, and accumulated their experiences. With this wisdom, they can help you withstand storms and move towards your long-term goal.



Book a free 30-minute one-on-one Life Priorities exercise with a Sherpa guide.

Copy your Life Priority tangible Next Steps into your weekly Attention Budget.

Have an accountability system to ensure your daily choices are moving you towards your life priorities.

“Everyone is so overscheduled… everybody is just surviving rather than saying, ‘…What is my purpose? What is my passion? What am I doing any of this for?’”

– Megan McCoy, director of personal financial planning M.S. programs at Kansas State University

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